Onze volgende BDS op 14 september zal speciale gstsprekers hosten. : Founders Platinums Aleksander & Jelena Durovs uit Letland.

“I am from a poor employee family. At age of 17 I saw the Amway business plan for the first time. Read Robert Kiyosaki’s book – “The Cashflow Quadrant” and decided to give up school and stick to the Yager educational system. For 15 years never miss any seminar and CD or book. Became an enterpreneur without any traditional education. Changed many areas of business.
At age 20 I have met Jelena. Got married at age 22. At age 25 we got or 1st son and after the economical crisis in Europe we made a real decision to start the Amway Business together as a couple. It took us 3 years to get the same income from our Amway business as from our traditional business.
At age 27 we left our traditional business and became full time Amway Business owners. At age 31 we got our second daughter and now we are on the way to Emerald and Diamond in our international business.
Our success is only because of Amway, Yager Group, our mentors and my wife Jelena.” (Aleksander Durovs)
Kaarten te koop via upline € 25,- (tot 8 augustus 2019)
€ 30,- na 8 augustus.
BDS Locatie:
Valkenswaardseweg 44
5595 XB Leende
Tel: +31 40 2061386

Programma (onder voorbehoud) :
14.00 uur – Planningsvergadering Platimum / Eagle
14:30 uur – Deuren open
15:00 – 17:00 uur – 1e sessie – lokaal
17:00 – 18:00 uur – pauze
18:00 – 20:00 uur – 2e sessie
20:00 uur – Mededelingen en sluiting
Tijdens de pauze is er gelegenheid een hapje te eten voor slechts € 15,00 p.p. Graag uiterlijk maandag 9 september doorgeven of je hiervan gebruik wilt maken!
* De spreektaal van de gastsprekers is Engels. Nederlandse vertaling in de zaal, Franse vertaling beschikbaar over FM radio, vergeet je headset niet!.